Monday, March 7, 2011

Today has been an exciting day! We started the day off at the Mills Institute, where Ava has been enrolled for the week. The children were so excited for our arrival and performed songs, devotions and prayers. 

Mills Institute strives to enhance the unique potential in every student. We endeavor to provide our students with the tools that they would need to make positive life choices that will lead to lasting success as productive citizens.


Mills Institute will strive to:

1. Prepare students to be respectable, independent, analytical and creative thinkers in a dynamic world.

2. Provide a curriculum that will cater to the individuals' needs and aspirations of all students.

3. Provide students with a highly qualified and experienced cadre of teachers who are constantly seeking new and innovative ways of using knowledge to enhance their students' learning experience.

4. Provide teachers with an environment that will foster their ongoing professional growth and development in order to keep them on the cutting edge.

5. Create a safe, fun-filled learning environment that will cater to the needs of students from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds.

6. Involve parents as much as possible in the education of their children.


The classes featured today were: 

- Creative Movement - Beth 

- Ballet - Liz 

- Hip Hop / Jazz - Mike and Naila 

Each class was filled with excitement and students eager to learn! We had an amazing turnout for the first official day of classes. Students will have the opportunity to continue this training all week. The DanceToGrace team is so thankful and delighted to give back doing what we love! 

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