Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A quick glance at the classes today! 
Another exciting day with another visit to The Mills Institute! 

Thank You to the Pittsburgh Pirates for the wonderful donations! 

The boys enjoy a basketball game with Mr. Mike! 

A Special thank you to Mrs. Mills for allowing our visits to the Institute! 

Today continued with classes in creative movement, ballet, jazz and improvisation. 

Students also reviewed ballet etiquette in the studio: 

- No talking 
- No swinging on the barre 
-Respecting each dancer in the room 
- Dance is a discipline, and it will lead to great things in life! 

A glance at the classes from Tuesday!  

Currently:  Younger students have just finished ballet & have moved quickly into jazz! 

Soon to come... 
-Videos & pictures of this mornings basketball game at The Mills Institute  
- Also, clips of todays classes: Creative Movement, Ballet, Jazz & Hip Hop! 

                                                                                 Until Later, DanceToGrace. 

Yesterday was one of our busiest days here on the island! We started the day off at TCI Middle School and The British West Indies Collegiate, with small lectures on dance history and demonstrations in ballet, modern, tap and contemporary. The day continued with classes in creative movement, ballet, jazz and hip hop!

 The TCI purpose, to transition children from primary school into high school. The facility offers itself to children between 7th and 9th Grade. 

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart" 
                                       - Nelson Mandela 

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others"

       - Nelson Mandela 

Students learn how to perform a modern contraction

A Special thank you, for allowing us to share our passion with you! 

The staff stopped for a quick lunch...

Moving right along to The British West Indies Collegiate 

The following is expected of all students:
  • Strict honesty and truthfulness.  In the classroom, this rules out cheating, copying another student’s work, and all manner of false pretences.  In the school at large, it means respect for the possessions of others, and a readiness to own up and accept the blame when you know it to be yours.
  • Self-control.  This is the foundation of civilised behaviour, and means that you must learn not only to govern your own temper, but also to make a real effort to understand the other person’s viewpoint.
  • Readiness to take responsibility.  Throughout your school life, opportunities will occur for you to take on duties for the benefit of your classmates, or in the school at large.  You should accept these responsibilities with dignity and always do your best.
  • Courtesy and self-respect.  Good manners and a pride in neat and clean appearance are vital.  The cultivation of these qualities is important not only in individual character development, but in the image presented by the school as a whole.  The Collegiate has earned a highly-valued reputation in the community, and expects its students to maintain good standards of appearance and conduct both inside and outside the school campus.  Courtesy is also reflected in your use of language, which must always be appropriate and respectful, free from unwelcome remarks, discourteous or offensive words, or vulgarities.
  • Concern for others.  Be helpful to one another both within the school and the community outside.  Show concern and be ready to give assistance where it is needed to the best of your abilities.
  • Whole school responsibility.  The school operates as a community.  We all have an interest in looking after each other and the environment we share.  Therefore, for the good of the whole school community, it is your responsibility to inform someone in authority if something happens that you know to be wrong, whether it directly affects you or not.


Another Thank You to the faculty and students at the Collegiate! 

Our day ended with classes in: 

- Creative Movement with Beth 

- Ballet with Liz 

- Jazz/ Hip Hop with Naila and Mike 

                                                          Until later, DanceToGrace. 


Monday, March 7, 2011

Go Steelers!

A Special Hello to our Pittsburgh Friends and Family! 

Mr. Mike and AJ! 

Until Next Time, DanceToGrace. 

Today has been an exciting day! We started the day off at the Mills Institute, where Ava has been enrolled for the week. The children were so excited for our arrival and performed songs, devotions and prayers. 

Mills Institute strives to enhance the unique potential in every student. We endeavor to provide our students with the tools that they would need to make positive life choices that will lead to lasting success as productive citizens.


Mills Institute will strive to:

1. Prepare students to be respectable, independent, analytical and creative thinkers in a dynamic world.

2. Provide a curriculum that will cater to the individuals' needs and aspirations of all students.

3. Provide students with a highly qualified and experienced cadre of teachers who are constantly seeking new and innovative ways of using knowledge to enhance their students' learning experience.

4. Provide teachers with an environment that will foster their ongoing professional growth and development in order to keep them on the cutting edge.

5. Create a safe, fun-filled learning environment that will cater to the needs of students from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds.

6. Involve parents as much as possible in the education of their children.


The classes featured today were: 

- Creative Movement - Beth 

- Ballet - Liz 

- Hip Hop / Jazz - Mike and Naila 

Each class was filled with excitement and students eager to learn! We had an amazing turnout for the first official day of classes. Students will have the opportunity to continue this training all week. The DanceToGrace team is so thankful and delighted to give back doing what we love! 

Sunday included classes in Ballet, Tap and Dance History! 

Topics covered in Dance History: 

Revelations by Alvin Ailey 

- Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn 
- Fashion in dance: CoCo Chanel 
- Martha Graham 
- Isadora Duncan 
- George Balancine 
- Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers 
- American Ballet Theatre 
- Merce Cunningham 

- Romeo and Juliet performed by Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev

The students watched portions of film including: 

- Balanchine: American Masters
- Alvin Ailey, Revelations 
- Gene Kelly with bits of "On the Town", "Words and Music" and "The Pirate"